One thing I noticed right away was how inconvenient it was to tie down
the jib. It wasn't to bad if you had one person to take the tiller while
the other tightened down the jib and tied it off, but help is hard to
find when the sun is beating down and the "crew" does not want
their tanning session interupted.
Eventually we picked up a couple of cam cleats and out came the drill.
I was expecting the installation to be quite a chore but it took maybe
15 minutes to drill, apply a little silicon sealant and tighten down the
stainless steel bolts.
It is truely amazing how these little pieces of hardware completely change
the way you can now handle the jib or genoa. If you do not have these
babies on your Sirius, get them... now!
- 2 Medium C-Cleat CamCleats (Ronstan RF5010)