20060326 |
Well... it's sad but at the same time very exciting. With 3 kids growing ever so quickly, it looks like our family has gotten too large to comfortably spend extended over night trips out on the lake. The only natural thing to do was to move up a few feet and start shopping for a larger sailboat. This means our beloved Cordon Bleu is officially up for sale. If anyone out there is looking for a beautiful well equipped craft (just add water) feel free to contact us. We are in the midst of receiving our new sailboat but until that happens, spring preparation will continue on the Cordon Bleu.
20060401 |
It was suppose to warm up a bit this weekend but it looks like the weather forecast was wrong... again. Regardless, the snow is slowly leaving us and the Cordon Bleu will soon be uncovered. Actually it was quite warm last weekend so I was able to give the inside of the cabin a good cleaning. As soon as it's warm enough again, I will pull off the ugly blue tarp and give the entire boat a good scrubbing. If our dock was open as well as a boat launch I think we would have already been out sailing.
20060402 |
Another cold and windy day in April but the lake is thawing out nicely. Our dock is still in ice but a few feet from the end it's all open water. Yes... it's only a matter of time!
20060408 |
Today was quite nice out and our Cordon Bleu basked in the sun as I scrubbed and shinned the hull. Later in the afternoon I took a drive out to Northern Harbour and was very surprised to see the entire Harbour as well as Channel encased in ice. I assumed that most of the ice would have started melting but I guess because it's a very protected channel, the ice is not disturbed. Maybe 3 or 4 more weeks before it opens up?
20060409 |
Went down to our dock today to check things out. Everything is looking pretty rough as well as still frozen in a block of ice. If there was access to our dock I would certainly put Cordon Bleu in the water and do some early sailing.
20060414 |
The sun is out, our dock is finally "ice free" and the Cordon Bleu is ready to sail! Our new boat has also finally arrived after a month of problems. Unfortunately it's not as easy to launch as the Cordon Bleu and needs a crane to put it in the lake. This means we must now wait for Northern Harbour to thaw out.
20060602 |
As the weather continues to warm up, we receive more and more inquires about our Cordon Bleu until one couple from Alberta decide this is the boat for them. Making the long 2 day drive to Kenora, they are happy with what they see when they arrive. The old tires are removed to make way for new ones for the long trip home and all the extra gear is loaded into the cabin.
20060603 |
The new owners came this morning with new tires on the rims and in no time had them installed and ready to go. One last check to make sure everything was secure and we said our final goodbyes. I am happy the Cordon Bleu is going to a good home and will be thoroughly enjoyed by it's new owners. For us, our adventures with the "Cordon Bleu" have come to an end… but for others the adventures have just begun.
Farewell to a wonderful boat that gave us memories that will last a lifetime and brought us closer together as a family.